jeudi 9 février 2012

Mysore Man!

Checked into a very nice Ayurvedic centre (my parents had been very generous at christmas so I treated myself to a two day package), a beautiful, lush place to settle and pamper my tired body, to eat satvic(sanskrit for purity and goodness) food before hitting the streets of india. Ayurveda, the science of lifeSpeaking with the Ayurvedic Dr I expressed why I was here. To relax, find vitality and lose some of this tummy fat. She looked at my belly, and nodding her head, in her most beautifully sari clad body and melodious voice she replies  "we cannot work on that kind of weight in 2 days”.  Loud bells were ringing. I had been pre christmas indulging and 3 days of in flight meals. Get back on the satvic path T.
The Ayurvedic Rice, Khicheri, lentils, three veg curry and chappppppppppppati were delicious. I came to India with a strong desire to do lots of yoga, find  lightness in my body, and learn lots to bring back to my students. Things didn’t work out exactly as I had planned. The first two days I had extreme lower back pain during the night. Didn’t know what was going on, the hard as rock bed?the anxiety? or perhaps built up tension that needed releasing? One night the pain was so unbearable I got really scared and insisted the Dr take my temperature the following morning to be sure all was well.My temperature was fine so I checked out.
That morning I had read in a book from the library how people on the spiritual path sometimes ignore the importance of their bodies.I had turned a blind eye to how much weight I had put on. I had cleaned up a lot of stuff inside through reiki, singing lessons and self study and neglected the outside. I had come to realize it wasnt me who “controlled” all. So now it was abot finding the balance between what is in our control and what isn't.3 weeks later a phrase in Ramana Maharshi's little booklet came to mind, “ when you stop seeing a difference between interior and exterior” when the body, mind, and self are all one, that is the true self, that is yoga".

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