mardi 4 décembre 2018

The yoga I teach doesn't look like the cover of a yoga journal nor is that the primary intention....

Hello all, 
The yoga I teach doesn't look like the cover of a yoga journal nor is that the principal intention although health & harmony do come with a regular yoga practice.
The yoga I teach is open to all, even beginners. 
The yoga I teach is about improving your body awareness, health & well-being. The yoga I teach will give you tools to deal with stress efficiently & naturally in your daily life.
Loving your embodiment and taking care of you,
exactly as you are Right Now. 
Next chance to practice together ? 
December 16th Yoga morning retreat at the Yourte Boutinet. This retreats will be taught in French, however if a large number of English speakers reserve on the other dates it can be in English too. 
Simply click here to find out more or call me !

All the best