vendredi 21 décembre 2012

Marcher en pleine conscience, Walking mindfully

La marche en pleine conscience

Je marche et je ressens comment mes pieds prennent contact avec la terre (sable, boue, eau selon la sortie!)
Je marche, je recule la nuque, je rentre le menton. je sens que je grandis, mon thorax se bombe.
Mon corps respire mieux ainsi. 
Je grandis dans les inspirations 
Mon ventre se contracte dans l'expiration.
Je ressens une pousse verticale vers le haut, ma colonne s'allonge.
Je grandis dans les inspirations et les expirations.  
Je ressens parfois le besoin d'inspirer plus profondément, le ventre, le thorax, le dos ,clavicules.  
Je crée, ainsi, des ouvertures dans le corps. 
J'expire lentement et doucement. 
J'inspire, j'avance de 3 pas, j'expire j'avance de 3 pas
J'inspire , j'avance de 6 pas, j'expire et j'avance de 6 pas.
Je marche avec "mes jambes de sauterelles " qui commencent à la hanche 
Tout d'un coup je grandis encore.
Je vis pleinement le moment présent, que c'est agréable!
Nous sommes arrivés la destination.

J'aime marcher au Parc MAJOLAN à Blanquefort, au Parc Bordelais, au Jardin aussi  marcher  au bord de l'Océan, Je n'ai plus de voiture, Bordeaux -Cap ferret  en bus avec le Citram 601! La marche de la marche, une Marche sur le sentier litoral de Bidart à St Jean de Luz. C’est une marche douce et plaisante de 13km jusqu’à St Jean de Luz, environs 3 heures et demi, qui alternent entre les plages, chemins, et criques, et petits forets. La montagne d’un côte, l’océan de l’autre. "Wooooooooooooooow" est le seul mot qui me vient à la bouche quand l'océan s'ouvre devant moi. J’enlève mes chaussures et je marche pied nus dans le sable. Une pose ici et là pour profiter de la vue. En un rien de temps il me semble, j’arrive et la baie de St Jean de Luz  s'ouvre à moi. La marche est bien signalée avec des traits jaunes.

Profitez de l'instant présent, profitez de la marche, profitez de la nature!

Walking mindfully

This December I want to share some words and yoga techniques which can be used as a guide to walking mindfully! I also suggest a few places that are great for walking in and around Bordeaux!

I walk, I feel how my feet come into contact with the earth (sand, mud, water depending on the outing!)
I walk, I draw back the neck, bring the chin towards the chest, i feel taller already, my thorax is open.
My body breathes better this way.
I grow taller when i inhale
My belly contracts when i exhale, I feel a vertical push that lenghtens my spine
I grow when i inhale, i grow when i exhale
I sometimes feel the need to breathe more deeply, the belly, thorax, back, collar-bone
I can feel that the body is more open
I inhale and exhale deeply and gently.
I inhale, i walk forward 3 steps, i exhale for 3 steps
I inhale I walk forward 6 steps, I exhale for 6 steps
I walk with my "grasshopper legs" that begin at the hip!
I feel even taller now!
I am fully present, how pleasant!
We have arrived at our destination.

I enjoy walking in Parc MAJOLAN, Blanquefort, Parc Bordelais, jardin Public. A walk by the ocean. I don't have a car anymore. I tke the Bordeaux-Cap Ferret 601 bus! The walk of the walks, the coastal path from Bidart to St Jean de Luz.It’s a 3 and a half hour walk, 13kms to St Jean de Luz. Wooooooooooooooow is the only word that comes to my mouth as the view of the wide ocean opens before me. Beaches, creeks, small paths and roads and forests .The mountains on one side ,the ocean on the the other.  I take off my shoes and walk barefoot in the sand. A break here and there to enjoy the view, have a picnic. In what seems like no time at all, I arrive at the bay in st jean de luz. The walk is well signposted with small yellow arrows.

Enjoy the moment, the walk, the nature;


Yoga en Ville, a partir de Lundi 7 Janvier, 2013

vendredi 30 novembre 2012

Yogavita November News en français

Yoga pour enfants en association avec Yakafaucon. Le cours se transforme en yoga pour parents et enfants !
Les mains ensemble devant le coeur, en prononçant namaste on commence.

La petite lumière en moi, salue la lumière en toi. D'égal à égal. On fait tourner une balle lumineuse. On prononce son prénom quand on attrape la balle dans les deux mains.

Début, pieds nus on marche en cercle pour bien s'ancrer et se réchauffer. Il fait un peu frais ce 21 novembre.
On prend une douche chaude en frottant les mains ensemble très fort pour faire du feu. On prend conscience de tous le corps en passant cette énergie chaude partout en commençant par la tête, les épaules, les bras, le torse, le dos, jambe gauche et droite, pied gauche et droit. Tout le corps.

Un enfant m'a dit la semaine dernière «ça fatigue les pieds» jai souri. Etonnée de sa réaction, aujourd’hui une petite attention particulière pour les pieds. On étire les pieds, en forme de cercle vers l'intérieur et l'extérieur. On se masse les pieds et après on passe notre pied à un voisin qui nous masse! J'entends quelqu'un dire "ooooh ça sent mauvais" et puis il approche le pied du nez et en fait pas du tout! On oublie parfois nos pieds. Enfermés dans des chaussettes et chaussures à longueur de journée. Nos pieds nous portent au long de la journée.
Nos pieds sont notre enracinement dans la terre. Le pied adulte comprend 28 os soit, pour les deux pieds, le quart de ceux composant l'ensemble du squelette. Prendre soin de ses pieds en les massant, en prenant de temps en temps un bain d'eau tiède avec du gros sel et un filet de citron vert.
La posture de l'enfant balasana apaise comme par magie les plus petits aux plus grands. Cette posture induit, le silence, l'écoute intérieur et permet aux enfants de se recentrer. Les enfants en "graines"(appelle ainsi pour la visualisation de l’histoire) sont au repos dans la terre, avec de l’eau, le vent et le soleil, la graine grandit et s'épanouit .Ils sont présent. Tous les éléments aussi. On s'étire vers le haut pour attraper des étoiles dans le ciel tout en restant ancré au sol. On expire en descendent les bras en poussant une longue voyelle "aaaaaaaaaaa" ouverture et détente. On fait circuler les énergies en faisant un arc en ciel, on allonge les bras en croix, les paumes des mains grandes ouvertes vers l'extérieur. Une posture de yoga égyptien.
Nous poursuivons dans la force et la souplesse les salutations au soleil surya namaskara.
Assis, on attrape nos orteils avec le pouce et l’index, on s'étire et s'allonge vers l'avant, comme on peut aujourd’hui. On travaille l'équilibre avec "upavishta konasana" en basculant le bassin vers l'arrière tout en gardant les jambes tendus, et les gros orteils accrochés avec la pouce et l'index. Parfois on tombe. On remonte. Parfois on tient debout. ça rigole beaucoup.
Les parents prennent la posture du chien «adho muka svanasana» cote à cote pendant que les enfants passent sous le pont en serpent. Les parents fatigue. La posture du chien demande de la force dans les bras. Les enfants, malins, prennent touuuuut leur temps:)
La clochette signale la relaxation- méditation. Attention sur le corps et la respiration. C'est le ventre qui bouge un peu en haut,unpeuenbas. unpeuenhautunpeuenbas.
Un petit garçon qui était réticent à joindre le cours est venu finalement. Sa curiosité l’a emporté. A la fin il m’a dit, très ouvertement, « Il y'a des choses que j'ai aimées et que j'ai pas aimées ». Je lui ai conseillé de garder donc ce qu’il avait aimé!



Yogavita November News English

Yoga for children in association with «Yakafaucon».We had planned yoga for children which naturally transformed into yoga for parents and children!

Hands joined in front of the heart, namaste, we begin.
The little light in me salutes the light in you. Equal to equal. A bright ball circulates, when you catch the ball you say your name.

Standing, bare foot we walk in a circle to ground oneself and also to warm up. It’s nippy on this november 21st. We take a «hot shower» by rubbing our hands together to make fire. We take the whole body into account by passing this hot energy from the head, shoulders, arms, torse, back, left leg, right leg, left foot, right foot. The whole body.
One child said to me last week «it tires my feet». Surprised by his reaction I decide today to give particular attention to our feet. We move our feet in a circular motion, inwards and outwards! We massage our own feet, then we pass our foot to our neighbour for a foot massage. I hear someone say «ooooh it smells» as he continues to lift the foot to his nose, he realizes, no smell at all! We often forget our feet. Closed up in socks and shoes, we sometimes lose connection with what carries us all day long, our roots in the earth!
The adult foot has 28 bones, so for 2 feet that represents a quarter of the whole skeleton. Take care of your feet by massaging them and bathing them in luke warm water with coarse salt and a drop of lime juice.
We continue with the sun salutations surya namaskara, child’s pose balasana otherwise called the grain for the purpose of today’s story. The children in the «grain» posture are resting in the earth, with a little water, wind, and sun, the grain grows and blossoms. The children are present, the elements too.
We stretch upwards to catch stars whilst remaining grounded in the earth. We exhale with the vowel «aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa» which brings opening and relaxation. We make a rainbow, we stretch the arms out in a cross shape, the palms of hands wide open towards the exterior. A posture from Egytian yoga.
We grab our big toes, we stretch and lenghten forward, as far as we can today.We test our balance in upavishta konasana by leaning backwards, whilst holding our big toes, legs straight. Sometimes we fall, we get back up. Sometimes we manage to hold the posture. Sometimes we laugh.
The parents do the dog posture «adho muka svanasana» side by side forming a bridge which the children pass through like snakes. The parents start to get tired. THis posture requires strength in the arms. The children, cute, take all the time in the world :)
The bell signals the relaxation and meditation. The attention is on the body, the breath. The belly moves up and down. Up and down. Up and down.
One young boy who came with his sister was hesitant to join in. Eventually curioisty got the better of him. At the end when I asked him how it was he told me «there were things i liked, and things i didnt like». I advised him to keep what he had liked.

samedi 10 novembre 2012

International Peace Day Free Yoga Event in Bordeaux

Un événement gratuit organisé dans le cadre de la journée international de la paix.Organisation et Enseignement par Sophie Regnier et Tracey Farrell, fondatrices de l'association Bien être 33.
Une belle soirée, merci à tous!

lundi 29 octobre 2012

Yogavita October News: the 2012 Yoga festival Paris


I’m delighted to share Yogavita October news:  the 2012 Yoga festival Paris

3 days of yoga. 30 workshops a day to choose from, 30 «free demonstrations» to try something new. Impossible to do everything, choices had to be made. A strolll around the stands.The turbanned Indian serving up Yogi Tea,mats, straps, spiruline, organic food, «zafu»meditation cushions, yoga in schools both in France and India, polarized wooden beds and massage tables, tatami mats, and many many many yoga schools and teachers, all unique in their approach, there’s something for here everyone.

Having studied the huge programme,I preselected 6 workshops, starting on friday evening «Yoga du Cachemire» with Eric Baret.  Referred to as an art of sensibility, we were guided on going within «interiorisation» to feel, welcome our emotions. A human being is made up of emotions. If we are disconnected from our emotions, we are not connected to our true selves, and so interaction with the outside world may prove difficult. Extremely slow movements allow us to feel the tension or blocks, present in our bodies.The 5 senses, sight, smell, taste, touch  and hearing are sharpened.Progressively the body becomes more receptive and relaxed.It is a wonderful anti-stress tool.

Over the years I have experimented many pranayama and singing techniques. Breathing techniques with Blandine Calais’s approach focuses on observing the breath, the start and end  of the inhale, the apnees at the end or mid flux. One exercise you can try:
First, observe the natural breath flow 
Second, The IRV(Inhale Reserve Volume)the maximal volume of air that can be inhaled by a normal inspiration. Surpassing the normal breathing capacity, creates an opening in the breathing body, could be compared to cleaning internal cobwebs! 
Third, observe the natural breath flow
Experiment his series 1-3 times every day for the next 7 days and see how you feel. Afterwards we delved into the flux, volume, expiration and localisations( abdominal. costal, the back, yes you breathe with your back too! Next time you are in Balsana, child pose observe the breathing back and enjoy the soothing effects.

A «Yoga in school» conference was led by Micheline Flak, founder of RYE Research on Yoga in Education.Children and adolescents today are under a lot of stress, are lacking confidence and love. If parents and teachers are also stressed!Where to begin? To quote her « an enlightened teacher enlightens children. Children need some  releasing, relaxing and mindfulness techniques. One example given was the lumberjack: Standing 2 feet wide apart , take an «imaginary» axe, raise abouve the head, plunge forward letting arms fall towards teh ground with an aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh sound. Can be repeated as often as you like.

I felt like dancing so I attended a NIA workshop which i had recently discovered in Bordeaux with Martine NGO.Nia is a sensory-based movement practice that draws from martial arts, dance arts and healing arts. After one hour of dancing, i felt grounded, relaxed
and joyful.

Harmonizing chakras through singing with Amina Annabi
The voice is one of our most powerful tools.Singing could be considered a natural medicine which cleanses our body of emotional blocks and tension.
A tense body is like an instrument out of tune. First we must release tension and relax the body with some toe, foot, hip and shoulder rolls. Expression and release of  emotions through sound and movement,sounds to harmonize each chakra and the sacred vowels aeiou, each vowel has a particular beneficial effect. 

Last but certainly not least, the complementarity of Egytptian-Indian yoga workshop with the humble, gentle and enlightening Yogi Babacar Khane.Having attended several workshops over the last 2 years with Nicolas and Marie Christine Leberre who are direct students of Babacar’s, I was excited about meeting him. Egyptian Yoga features several of the best known postures of traditional Indian Yoga, such as the Lotus, the Cobra, the Bridge, the Plough. However, it also features a complete set of original postures, for example the chandelier with a strong emphasis on verticality, spinal axis correction and concentration development.It therefore constitutes a perfect complement to Indian Yoga. The contraction-decontraction technique of  the muscles allows us to percieve the contrast between tension and relaxation and so to become aware first of forgotten tensions, and then to let them go.This technique brings great relaxation and and a greater perception of body sensations.

My teaching revolves around these 6 axes: Interiorisation, respiration, postures that are accessible to all ages, vocal expression, mindfulness and relaxation. An art of living that is more ecological, harmonious and humain.

I look forward to seeing you.
Tracey Farrell

Nouvelles d'octobre de Yogavita


Je suis ravie de partager  les nouvelles d’octobre de Yogavita : le festival de Yoga 2012 à Paris.

3 jours de Yoga, un choix d’une trentaine d’ateliers par jour, une trentaine de séances découvertes. Pas possible de tout faire, il fallait faire des choix! Un petit tour des stands. L’indien au turban nous réchauffait avec du Yogi Tea, tapis de yoga, tatami, spiruline, de la nourriture bio, yoga à l’école en Inde et en Europe, des lits fabriqués avec du bois polarisé et beaucoup beaucoup beaucoup d'écoles différentes de yoga. Tous uniques ; Le slogan du festival d’ailleurs est «à chacun son yoga».

Ayant étudié le programme, j’ai réservé 6 ateliers, commençant le vendredi soir avec Eric Baret, «Le Yoga de Cachemire». Il est encore nommé l’art de la sensibilité. Il nous a amené à s'intérioriser, pour ressentir et accueillir les sensations, émotions. Un être humain est fait d’émotions.  Si on n’est pas connecté à nous même, nos connexions avec le monde externe peuvent s'avérer difficiles. Cette pratique développe au plus au point l’éveil tactile des 5 sens :  L'ouïe, le goût, le toucher, l’odorat et la vue. Des mouvements faits dans une extrême lenteur nous permettent de ressentir des blocages et tensions présents dans notre corps. La sensation corporelle se transforme alors progressivement en réceptivité et détente. C’est un grand outil anti-stress.

Ces dernières années j’ai expérimenté plusieurs techniques de pranayama et des techniques de chant. Les techniques de respiration avec Blandine Calais nous amènent à observer la respiration, le flux, à identifier le début et la fin de l’inspiration, les apnées en cours et à la fin de l’inspiration. Vous pouvez l'expérimenter: D’abord, observez la respiration naturelle, deuxièmement dépassez le VRI Volume de Réserve Inspiratoire. En dépassant l’amplitude du volume courante on crée des ouvertures dans le corps, c’est comme enlever les toiles d'araignées! Troisièmement, observez la respiration naturelle. Expérimentez 1 à 3 fois par jour durant les 7 prochains jours et voyez comment vous vous sentez. Ensuite, nous avons abordé dans les détails le flux, volume, expiration et localisations : abdominal, costal,costal à l ‘arrière. Et oui on respire avec notre dos aussi! La prochaine fois que vous êtes en Balasana, la posture de l’enfant, observez le dos qui respire et ressentez les effets apaisants.

Une conférence sur yoga dans les école avec Micheline Flak, fondateur de RYE, recherche de yoga dans l'éducation. Les enfants et adolescents sont stressés, manquent de confiance et d’amour parfois. D’autant plus si les parents et les professeurs sont stressés. Par commencer ? Pour la citer « «un adulte éclairé éclaire les enfants». Les enfants ont besoin de techniques pour relâcher des tensions, pour apaiser et pour pratiquer la pleine conscience. Un exemple donné, le bûcheron. Imaginez-vous une hache à la main, levez la au-dessus de la tête et penchez-vous vers l’avant en poussant un cri tel que «haaaaaaaaaah». A répéter autant que nécessaire!

Harmonisation des chakras par le chant avec Amina Annabi
La voix est l’un de nos outils le plus puissant. Le chant peut être considéré comme une médecine naturelle qui lave notre corps des blocages émotionnels et tensions. Un corps tendu est comme un instrument non accordé. D’abord il est nécessaire  de relâcher les tensions et détendre le corps : par exemple, des roulements du pied sur les orteils, les hanches, les épaules. L’expression et relâchement des émotions et blocages à travers le son et le mouvement, des sons pour harmoniser les chakras et les voyelles sacrées, chacun ayant un effet particulier sur notre être.

J’avais une envie de danser donc j’ai assisté à une séance de NIA que j’avais découvert récemment à Bordeaux avec Martine NGO. Le NIA s'inspire des arts martiaux et de la prise de conscience corporelle, visant une harmonie entre le corps et l'esprit. Au bout d'une heure de danse, je me suis sentie ancrée, détendue et joyeuse !
Enfin et surtout, la complémentarité du yoga pharaonique, indien et taoïste avec l’humble, douce et lumineuse présence de Yogi Khane. Ayant assisté à plusieurs ateliers avec Marie Christine et Nicolas Leberre qui sont des élèves de Babacar Kane, j’avais hâte de le rencontrer. Le yoga égyptien comporte des postures identiques à celles qui nous viennent de l’Inde telles le lotus, le cobra royal, le pont, la charrue. Il présente toutefois toute une variété de postures qui lui sont propres et qui se caractérisent par leur verticalité, leurs qualités rééducatrices de l’axe vertébral ainsi que par le développement de la concentration. Il se pratique donc en parfaite complémentarité avec le yoga de l'Inde. La technique de contraction-décontraction permet de retrouver la perception du contraste entre tension et détente et de reprendre conscience d'éventuelles tensions oubliées pour ensuite les relâcher. Cette technique apporte une grande détente et une meilleure perception des sensations corporelles.
Je poursuit mon enseignement autour des ces 6 axes. L'intériorisation, la respiration, des postures accessibles à tous les âges, l’expression vocale, la pleine conscience et la relaxation. Un art de vivre qui est plus écologique, harmonieux et humain.

A très bientôt


Tracey Farrell

mardi 9 octobre 2012

Carnet de route, le chemin de St Jacques de Puy en velay à Espalion septembre 2012

Je marche, je marche et je marche
de village en village
par les forêts, les ruisseaux, les vallées
en amont et en aval
les hauts et les bas
pluie, grêle, tonnerre, soleil
je marche en chaussures de sport jaunes
légères, claires, mouillent facilement
Elles sèchent facilement
Elles mouillent et elles sèchent
Plein de fois dans la journée

I walk, walk and  walk
from village to village
through forests, rivers and valleys
highlands, lowlands
rain, hail,thunder,sun
i walk in yellow trainers
they wet easily
they dry easily
they wet and dry
umpteen times in one day

Je suis spirituelle à ma façon
mes chaussures jaunes
couleur de plexus solaire, l’expression de soi
une spirituelle moderne
vive la couleur, la beauté,l'authenticité
la créativité, la spontanéité et la bonté

I am spiritual in my own way
my yellow trainers
colour of the solar plexus, expression of oneself
a «trendy» spiritual?
Long live colour, beauty, authenticity
creativity, spontaneity and goodness

Parfois je me sens bizarre
Parfois je me demande pourquoi je suis souvent entourée de 
Personnes âgés
Peur de la mort
un désir d'être vrai à moi-même
je veux trouver l’essentiel
maintenant plutôt que plus tard
J’ai 34 ans

Sometimes i feel bizarre
why am I so often with  people much older than me
Fear of death
The desire to be true to myself
to find what is essentail
now rather than later
I am 34

Je suis une femme spirituelle
par là voulant dire que j’aime
les pieds, bien trempés, bien plantés dans la terre
me relier avec tout ce qui est plus grand que nous
appelle ça comme tu veux
la Nature, Dieu, l’Univers

I am a spiritual woman
I mean that I love
wet feet, well grounded in the earth
connecting with all that is greater
call that what you want
Nature, god, the universe

Parfums matinaux
Menthe mouillé, bois chaud
Chiens paresseux, poules, belles vaches d'aubrac

Morning scents,,
Wet mint, warm wood 
Lazy dogs, chickens, beautiful Aubrac cows


Baie de genévrier
ils mangent tout ce qui pousse ici
entre Puy en Velay et Aubrac

Juniper berries
They eat everything that grows here
between Puy en Velay and Aubrac

Yoga, union entre l’esprit et le corps
Union entre nous, la terre et le ciel
Oublions nos peurs de sectes, revenons à l’essentiel
à être pleinement ici dans nos corps

Yoga, union of the mind and body
Union between the earth, us and they sky
Let’s forget our fear of sects and come back to the essential
Being fully present in our bodies, here and now

Un galopin
Moitié d’une demie bière,12,5 centilitres
galloping,j'aime cette boisson, le nom, la quantité

a «galopin»,
Half a half beer, 12.5 centilitres, galloping,I like this drink, the name,the quantity

lundi 14 mai 2012

Yoga au Boulot Article Sud Ouest Mai 2012

Yoga au boulot, c'est dans l'air du temps. N'hesitez pas à me contacter si vous voulez une copie plus large et plus lisible de l'article. Namaste. Tracey Farrell

lundi 23 avril 2012

April 2012

Vipassana,  Seeing things as they really are, St Flannan’s College, Ennis, Co Clare, Ireland.

Vipassana is one of India's most ancient meditation techniques. It was rediscovered by Gotama the Buddha more than 2500 years ago. It’s a process of transforming negative into positive, through self-observation and discipline.

10 days of silence. About 150 Men and women separated. The day began with a gong at 4am and we went to bed at 9am, meditating in the main hall or our rooms for most of the day. One begins by observing the natural breath to concentrate the mind. For 3 days, the only instructions were, bring your attention to the area between the upper lip and the nostrils. To sharpen one’s awareness and mind.

Confined to the college grounds. The females had 2 small courts to walk around at break-times. We walked round and round and round and round. I was very tempted one day to do the ministry of funny walks but restrained myself.  The only hint of outer world excitement was an odd glimpse of the men walking round the other courtyard, a rainbow, and a beautiful sunset one evening. Meals were eaten in silence. The only noise to be heard was the clinging of spoons against the bowls. The food was nourishing and tasty. Last meal of the day was at 1130 am and fruit at 5 pm. It did feel like prison only worse, no expression. The first 3 days I found all the reasons why I should leave, I could heard a comical friend’s  voice saying “of course you want to leave” which made me laugh inside. On day 2 one of the assistant teachers knocked on the door at 5am. I jumped out of bed with a bed head. She said, just checking you’re meditating, I said errrrrrm non!  On the 3rd day I had settled and decided to stay the full course.  

I was delighted when on the 4th day, we had new instructions!  Start observing any sensations by doing a body scan from head to toe, toe to head. To observe a gross unpleasant sensation, a free flowing pleasant sensation, just observe, without running away from it or suppressing it, or reacting to it and to see that it moves on. The process allows us to observe the changing nature of body and mind and that everything is transient. I thought of this a few days later as I cycled around West Cork in the Irish rain- everything I wondered?  I loved the technique as I have an analytical mind, which sometimes stops me from living in the present moment.

This technique is simple, logical. One simply deals with observing the sensations so doesn’t spark off the ego and also allows one to become more aware of the body-mind connection. I heard it said recently that many professors regard their body as a vehicle to transport their heads. I believe it is the case for many us. This practice, like many other yoga, dancing, martial arts, helps us to bring the body and mind into union.  In Shri Goenka’s words  “it is a meditation to root out impurities of the mind.  A surgical operation on the mind. A true yogi is one who wants to bring people out of their misery starting with oneself”.

It was a wonderful experience and I’d highly recommend it to learn the technique, to become more self aware and have a daily morning  and evening practice. However, humans are expressive beings so after 10 silent days, a little hesitant at first, I was delighted to talk, sing and listen to others “when I got out”.

Thank You for this experience and meditation technique.



For more information

dimanche 22 avril 2012


Un petit film InDia.

J’espère que vous avez autant de plaisir à le regarder que j’ai eu en le réalisant.
 Le film est en 6 parties.

mardi 14 février 2012

Bangalore to Bordeaux

Lovely last full day in Tiruvanamali. Sunrise to Sunset on Arunchala.  Masala dosai with Sharon from Cork J Splish, bloosh, sploosh, steam and water everywhere. The Indian bus, Tiruvanamalai- Bangalore express,6 hours, 2 lovely ladies in saris share food with me. Bus driver takes care of the sole back packer, checked that I managed to get food, toilet. Most (had one scary experience) Indians have been adorable, relaxed, curious about the nature of your work, how much you pay for chapatt? one young girl shouts out of the bus. Water explosion bus break down, dirty engine water all over my bags, the women’s clothes, men pass large bottles of water, .10 minutes later, we’re off for Bangalore where I get a rickshaw, taxi, 2 planes, train to Bordeaux where i arrive wearing flip flops and pink socks, the rarest of the rare, an extraordinary voyage, said in a melodious Indian tone and shaking of the head.Namaste


On the road from Pondicherry to Tiruvanamalai. The more we drive, the greener it gets, enfinnnnnnnnnnnn some nature! A bit of nature. Arrived 3 hours later. Surprised, expected the ashram to be in a secluded place,it’s sooooooooooooooo busy yet again. First things first, I sit under the tree and have a fresh coconut. I look up and see Arunchala, the sacred mountain towering over the Sri Ramana Maharshi (a great hindu spiritual master) Ashram.
A very warm, calm welcome. There’s a room for me.  I booked back in November. My room is very simple, yet another hard bed, but perfect. Small window with wooden shutters. A picture of Ramana hangs on the wall. Like in  the other places communal showers and toilets and cold water.
100s of people line up for warm, spicy lunch, served on a banana leaf.  Skinny strong men go around dishing out the food. The quantities are always huge. I wonder where these thin men put it all? I believe the secret  may be in the spices that keep the agni, digestive fire going! I watch the young boy next to me and see how he balls up the food and then “clock”, pops it into his mouth with a swift thumb movement. Monkey see and monkey do. Suddenly I don’t feel so awkward and start enjoy eating with my hand.
I’m very eager to climb the mountain, grateful to be here. What a wonderful place to be! Walked  around the mountain barefoot one day to suss it out. The next day set off at 530 am and climbed to the top of the hill of fire, light, dawn- Arunchala! Slow, sure barefoot steps on the cool slabs of rock. Half way up, more light. Big rocks needing big steps and flip flops. Crouching, hugging rocks so as not to fall back. Scary. On top, black and greasy from all the ghee that has been burned. The ritual is to kiss the feet of shiva. Some fella built a cave up here and runs up and down the mountain everyday! He offers tea. yuuuuuuuuuuuuuh. I offer to pay him and he says this is not a tea shop but I can make a donation to his guru. However when I do place some rupees in front of the shrine, he keeps a very close eye and I can hear the cash register cccccchi chinging in his eyes.  Suppose the fella has to live. May not be a tea shop but he checks the “donation” like a spoilt child on communion day doing his accounts. Walk down the mountain and end up in another part of town! Quelle surprise! Beautiful kollams for “poongal” the harvest festival. A 40 rupee rickshaw takes me back to the ashram. I ask for Shiva shakti and get dropped at Shivashanti! I feel calm, the same calm I felt yesterday when I came down off the mountain.
This ashram is perfect for meditation, reading and reflection. I read “the Living Words” by  Sri Aurobindo and La Mere and “ Effortless Meditation” by Swami Madhurana, a student of Shri Ramana Maharshi.He recommends self-enquiry as the fastest path to Moksha, freedom.

The Flower market Pondicherry

Marigolds, roses, lilies, all in abundance, pure beauty!


A visit to the Sri aurobindo ashram and La mere.  Bought lots of books and sent them back to France. La mere's speaks of oneness , yes but within that oneness each and everyone of us has a sacred  individuality. After a short rest I make my way through the bustling dirty streets for a drink and dinner. Passing one temple on the south boulevard I marvel at the number of people, stopping to buy Prasad "offerings" and going into the temple. The whole country lives off this devotion busiess. Bless themselves, pull their ears and bounce up ad down, lie on the floor, turning both cheeks to the floor.Never-ending pujas5 minutes upthe  road,  a cathedral, same secneario mostly men rushing in for their daily prayer.Devotion to the divine in its many many forms…from monkeys , hanuman to the vigin mary.I think to myself what does it matter  the form, they are all god. 

Varkala, the cliff beach

Staying in a little hut by the fisherman beach- Odayam beach. Re-read the Bhagavad Gita.
Woke up before the crack of dawn. Walk by the sea, meditate by the sea. Sitting in a café, watching the fishermen shout, and pull in the fish, tug of war style. Excellent ayurvedic massage treatments. Cardamon tea and chats with Cormac , sharon, treasa on the beach. Love to you Irish yogis. :)

Kanyakumari Sunrise 1st January 2012

Kanyakumari, a very special pilgrimage point, to greet the sun where the 3 seas meet, the bay of bengal, the Arabian sea and Indian ocean.

I left the Ashram after the midnight OMs, kissed veryone goodybye and hopped in a prebooked taxi to travel through the night to get to kanyakumari for sunrise.

According to legend Kanya devi was supposed to marry siva but he failed to show up at his wedding day! Kanya Devi is now considered a virgin goddess who blesses pilgrims and tourists who flock the town.


lundi 13 février 2012

Pain in India

After day 2 in Sivananda ashram, I woke up after a short nights sleep in the dorm with spinning fans, nad very hard bed with a really sore neck/shoulder..thought I just needed to shake it out so attempted yoga practice that morning. During the first posture, an awful pain went shooting from my neck to back. The ayurvedic masseuse massaged my neck and shoulder but I couldn't tip my head back without buckets of tears flowing forward.

Thankfully I could still join in the " finding your inner voice" workshop. Breath, free expression, singing- it was wonderful. So I wouldn't be doing yoga for while. I put all my heart into singing, beautiful morning meditations and socializing.One day attended a yoga class for handicapped people! They students were inspiring! 

One day, Jospeph the yogi recommended that i go to the temple near the employee quarters. Everyday they chant there from from 4  to 430 . Om Namo Narayana for 30 minutes. This is one of the most sacred hindu mantras.

This mantra also has a special significance in Kerala, where Shree Guru  Narayana, a great social and spiritual reformer lived from 1855- 1928. "One religion, one caste, one man" 

Junko, a japanese friend,  and i joined them every day. Chandra, the gardener invited us to the kitchen, where we all sat on the floor and had a sweet chai tea. I was as happy as larry! The more I sang the less pain I felt. At night the pain came back. Every morning felt very scared, when I couldn’t get up out of bed by myself. So i continued the singing, the more I sang, I more my heart blossomed….


Settling in the Ashram

The group karma was great today, passing logs of  wood from the forest to the kitchen! wonderful! I spoke to a lovely japanese lady who's here with her son doing yoga! she tecahes children in Japan.  The ashram is very sociable, lots of travellers chatting about where they are coming from , or going to.Everybody here seems to be on panchakarma. a 14 days  ayurvedic detoxification oneself. So many options in india it is bamboozling. So one afternoon, I sat down to meditate. I had a tingling sensation on my left hand so I thought oh, what does that mean? After continual tingling, itching, I opened my eyes – a mosquito was biting me!