mardi 14 février 2012

Bangalore to Bordeaux

Lovely last full day in Tiruvanamali. Sunrise to Sunset on Arunchala.  Masala dosai with Sharon from Cork J Splish, bloosh, sploosh, steam and water everywhere. The Indian bus, Tiruvanamalai- Bangalore express,6 hours, 2 lovely ladies in saris share food with me. Bus driver takes care of the sole back packer, checked that I managed to get food, toilet. Most (had one scary experience) Indians have been adorable, relaxed, curious about the nature of your work, how much you pay for chapatt? one young girl shouts out of the bus. Water explosion bus break down, dirty engine water all over my bags, the women’s clothes, men pass large bottles of water, .10 minutes later, we’re off for Bangalore where I get a rickshaw, taxi, 2 planes, train to Bordeaux where i arrive wearing flip flops and pink socks, the rarest of the rare, an extraordinary voyage, said in a melodious Indian tone and shaking of the head.Namaste

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